12 steps to avoid the un-necessary visit to the hospital

Avoid Hospital

1. Ensure that you eat at a place which is clean.
2. Ask your waiter about the source of water that he offers you. If uncertain, ask for bottled mineral water. Spending a few extra bucks for a bottle of mineral water is far cheaper than paying for the doctor’s consultation and medicines!
3. Wash your hands before eating. With children too, ensure that they wash their hands both before and after eating.
4. Hot, freshly cooked food is always better than cold, preserved one.
5. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating.
6. If you have a domestic help, or a cook, make sure they have washed their hands before cooking or serving.
7. The age old advice of boiling water used for drinking still holds true!
8. If you notice symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, replenish yourself with plenty of fluids.
9. In case of fever or blood in stools or diarrhea, visit a hospital at the earliest. You may require more fluids and antibiotics.
10. WHO recommended Electral formula is available at all pharmacies. Use it to replenish fluid loss from diarrhea and vomiting. It is very easy to consume, and replenishes important elements in the body.
11. When you travel, carry Electral with you and take plenty of fluids.

12. Throw away foods kept in the open for long periods of time or food which has acquired a foul smell.

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