Why do Food Poisoning happens & what are the symptoms?

Food poisoning

It is that time of the year when the heat gets to you. Your sense of discipline on things that are clean and hygienic may take a backseat when it comes to cool scoops of ice creams, refreshing glasses of shakes and juices, soothing morsels of street food or plain bottles of cold water. Food poisoning or a Topsy-turvy tummy may just be the price you will pay. Ignorance is bliss. Well, NOT ALWAYS! Food poisoning is very common in India for many reasons, the most obvious being a lethargic attitude towards the standard of hygiene.

Causes And Outbreaks Of Food Poisoning

      Food poisoning results from contaminated food or water and affects all people irrespective of what their social or economic strata. Unhygienic cooking conditions, poor or improper hand washing and general ignorance among the masses offer bacteria and viruses very conducive breeding grounds. Food poisoning can also result from toxins present in mushrooms, under-cooked food and from food kept out in the open for long periods of time.

      One contaminated source is usually the source of misery or infection for many people. Observe some recent headlines as follows, for example: 07/09/11: Lizard lands in mid-day meal, sends 44 children to hospital, 06/12/11: Gujarat: Over 300 people affected with food poisoning, 21/02/12: 70 hospitalized with food poisoning in Chhattisgarh.

Symptoms of severe dehydration/Food poisoning that SHOULD NOT be Ignored:

       Dehydration is mild in most cases, with people presenting at the hospital or emergency with diarrhoea, abdominal pain and vomiting. In children, it can become a serious condition due to dehydration. The symptoms usually start appearing within 36-48 hours of consumption of the contaminated food. Symptoms like blood in stools and fever can herald a serious infection and further complications like sepsis and even death, unless treated early.

Signs of severe dehydration :
· Lethargy
· Drowsiness
· Cramps
· Fever
· Blood in stools.                                                
· Suffering from constipation and irregular stool pattern.

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