No more Drug testing on animals. Is it Possible? Did you hear about Organs-on-chips?


         An alternative has been found by the scientists, which has broken the way of developing new drugs by using a paradigm. To test a single compound, it takes years of research and huge amount has to be spent on it. In the course, lot number of animals live is lost.  The process may sometime fail to predict human response, as the response by the animals and the humans will not be same. All the above factors lead the Pharmaceutical industries to find an alternative. So, once again it is proved that

                          “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

      The Wyss institute team has found the new solution for this.  They combined micro fabrication with modern tissue engineering. Drug screening which follows vitro approach mimics the complicated mechanical and biochemical behaviors’ of human beings.  The micro architecture and functions of lung, heart, and intestine are recapitulated on microchips.


          These microchips are called as “Organs-on-chips.”  One day these chips will become the best alternative for animals. This organ chip consists of clear flexible polymer and contains hollow micro fluid channels linked by living human cells. This organ chip size will be equivalent to computer memory chip.  As these micro chips are translucent, they may provide a window into the inner workings of human organ. These micro chips are connected to a automated instrument to mimic whole body-physiology.

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