Food that should be the part of our diet:

Mint tea:
      Taking mint tea after having the food will resolve the indigestion problems as it will improves the flow of bile, which moves food through the digestive tract more quickly. Keep the caution in mind that if you are have acidity problem, this will worsen the situation.
Mint Tea

Green tea:
       Taking iced or hot get relive stresses form day to day work. Its catechins, antioxidants, and caffeine help increase the metabolic generation of heat. Drink a cup of green tea for ten minutes before doing any kind of workout. We need to savor our food which ever we take.
Green Tea

        Adding raw or lightly cooked garlic will help a lot. Especially during winter it is preferable to take garlic as it is having great amount of antiviral and antibacterial properties.This will boost the immunity and reduces the risk of cancer. This will increase the blood flow and also helps in improving the sexual life.

        In order to have healthy gums, this should be there in grocery list. It is an excellent source of vitamin-C and provides calcium as well. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants and fight against cancer. Try not to cook much and eating raw is preferable. Persons suffering from constipation problem can cook and eat.

         Berries for belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol the antioxidant compound found in red wine. This helps to prevent cancer & heart diseases.

          People whose diets are rich in potassium may be less prone to high blood pressure. Besides reducing sodium and taking other heart -healthy steps, eat potassium packed picks like banana,cantaloupe.



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