Gravitational waves : what if discovered?

     One of the Wonderful prediction of Einstein’s theory was”Big Bang Singularity.” It says that everything come out of a single event. He predicted gravitational waves in his general theory of relativity a century ago. Under this, space & time are interlinked into something called “Space-time.”

      Einstein predicted that mass warps space-time through its gravitational force. So how this gravitational waves help us?

      When Radio waves were discovered, we started communication by using this waves. This has taken us to next step of communication even at so far locations. Mobile communication is totally dependent on radio waves. At the same time,for astronomy, radio observations have probably given us more about the structure of universe. Likewise, gravitational waves are going to give a whole new picture of universe, the stuff that doesn't emit light-dark matter,black holes.

Gravitational Waves
© "AFP PHOTO / NASA/ESA" This file photo taken on March 13, 2012 shows an artist's concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole

       So gathering gravitational waves will be able to see exactly what happened at the initial singularity. Thursday’s announcement was the unambiguous detection of gravity waves. There is a hope that gravity wave astronomy could start to answer questions not only about the life of starts, but also about their deaths as well. Death by collision,death in a black hole were explained.

        Detectable gravitational waves open exciting gates in astronomy. It allows measurements of faraway stars, galaxies and black holes based on the waves they make. Partially, it also shows some evidence that black holes which were never directly discovered,do actually exist.


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