What is the Right age to have Babies?


As a woman nears her thirties, she should be cautioned about having babies; the reason being that from 30 years on wards, women experience a decline in fertility. Consequently, at 35, the complications related to pregnancy intensify, making a woman and her baby susceptible to many kinds of risks including birth defects and miscarriage. Hence, the importance of having kids before the age of 35 years.

causes for decline in fertility:

            Age and fertility go hand-in-hand with the latter decreasing with increasing age. A number of reasons that can cause this decline are:
· Reduced number of good quality eggs in the ageing ovary· Medical co-morbidities with increasing age

Is it safe to have babies after 35 years?

            The answer is NO. Even though medical care has made it safe for women to deliver after 35 years, the infertility and pregnancy complications are much higher for this group of women than for younger women.

Other problems/risks

· Some other health risks associated with late pregnancy or pregnancy after the age of 35 years are:
· Women above the age of 30 years automatically stand to be at more risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes
· Stillbirth is more in women above the age of 35 years
· Older women also tend to have low-birth weight babies, weighing less than 5.5 pounds during birth
· Cesarean is more common for women having their first child after 35 years

Take Care!

· Foods rich in fibre, starch and folic acid are recommended to reduce risks of complications. A well-balanced diet containing lot of minerals and vitamins should essentially be a diet for pregnant mothers.

· Cigarettes and caffeine should be avoided.

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