Precious kidney, plz preserve it !

Kidney Day

On World's Kidney day [10Mar], let us know how to save our kidney from hazardous practices.
35% of adult have high bp do you know why ? its bcoz of high Sodium intake
Any form of sodium will add up and eventually lead to uncontrolled hypertension which is the major risk factor for kidney disease.

Sodium - Its a silent killer and the world’s topmost cause of death.
Per day its allowed to consume only 2gms of sodium, Imagine whether we are following it?

To reduce the intake of sodium avoid

packed food
noodles and biscuits
bakery products
milk products (Cheese, butter...)
Sodium and potassium have opposite effects on heart health:

  • High salt intake increases blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, stroke
  • High potassium intake can help relax blood vessels and excrete the sodium and decrease blood pressure.

Good practices

  • Don't add salt while cooking instead sprinkle a little while eating
  • Consume at least 3.5 gms of potassium per-day and avoid more than 2 gms of sodium
  • Consume high potassium food (dark leafy greens, Potatoes, Squash, Yogurt, Fish, Avocados, Mushrooms, and Banana) 
  • Say no to alcohol 

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