Tips for staying active:
these busy days staying active is a big task. But following some of these tips
can keep us fit and being active.
1. Enjoy the nature: Nature should be enjoyed which will nourish the cosmic energy. Absorbing the cosmic energy from the sun, earth, flowers and
the sounds of waves for calming and relaxing our mind, body and soul.
2. Food intake: Include foods rich in fiber and nutrients like
whole grains, millet's, fruits, vegetables, sprouts,beans etc. Avoid constant
eating. Eat when you feel hungry.
3. Exercise: It is very important to
upkeep the blood flow. Swimming, cycling and walking are excellent cardio
workouts that boosts stamina, tones the body.
“If U cant run, Walk,
If U cant walk,Crawl”.
4. Well hydration: We should keep our self well
hydrated with water, substitute caffeine, sugar laden colas and sodas or other
sugary substances with the refreshing.
5. Yoga: Doing yoga is one of the
wonder full thing which will keep the body active. Start with small asanas and
if possible go for next steps.
Date: 12/02/2016