Things that should not be done if you are a Thyroid patient



      It is a gland which produces thyroid hormone which influences almost all of the metabolic processes in out body. There are two type of thyroid problems.

Hyperthyroidism : A situation in which too much thyroid hormone releases

Hypothyroidism : A situation in which too less thyroid hormone releases

A person affected by Thyroid should not do the following things:

 1. Not managing stress : Excessive stress may exacerbate an underlying thyroid condition. When in stress body releases hormone cortisol. Excess cortisol can interfere with thyroid hormone production.

Stress Management

2. Smoking Regularly: Smoking is associated with a increased risk at developing clinically over thyroid disease. Cumulative cigarette consumption is a risk factor in autoimmune thyroid disease.

3. Ignoring medicines and Regular Check-ups: Take prescribed medications without fail to get thyroid hormone levels back to normal.

Regular Checkup

4. Taking your Thyroxine Tablet with your morning coffee: Best option is to simply take it with a glass of water.

5. Eating Large Amounts of Raw Cruciferous Vegetables: The items which falls under this category includes cabbage, cauliflower,brocolli,spinach,sweet potatoes. They contain compounds called glucosinolaes that can interfrere with tyroid hormone synthesis.

Raw Vegatables

6. Eating soy products: Soy contains phytoestrogens and goitrogenic compounds that affect thyroid function and interfere with the body’s absorption of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland.     

Soy Products

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