How Blade less fan works?

      It seems surprising that do really Blade less fans exist ? If it exist, how do they work?

Blade less Fan

     First of all, Blade less fan consists of a impeller in the bottom casing which is seen in the picture above. This will suck the air from the surroundings and this get purified through a set of filters. The impeller is powered by a motor. The total casing which consists of fan and motor, filter is well sealed and insulated such that no sound comes out it, there by it become noise less and smooth operation.

     Then the air is passes through pipe of aerofoil shape. As the opening is less, the velocity of the air increases and when it completes it travel in the aerofoil opening , the air will gain much more velocity due tot he shape of the opening.

     Then the air is released to surroundings. At this time, the air with higher velocity moves out creating a suction on the other side. This again works like a vacuum pump. As the unit is not having any exposed moving parts, therefore it is safe even for children. It makes less noise when compared to fans in our home. The velocity and the amount of air it draws and supplies is very high.

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