Fasting (Types and Method to be followed)


        Fasting  is being followed in almost all religions. It is also being considered as a part of Naturopathy. It is useful in preventing many diseases of the body . It also provides physical health & strengthens the mind.

     It is being believed that our body get energy (some people say bio-magnetism) through many ways. Some of them include

1. the food we eat
2. the air we breathe
3. through radiation from our surroundings
4. the magnetic energy from the stars & earth

      The nature is in such a way that always something flows from higher sources to lower.Like that if the stomach is filled with food, the body try to take from food and not from other three. so, in order to cure the alignments of the body we need to take the energy from other three. so, we need to do fasting.

Fasting is of three types:
1. Full fasting
2. Partial fasting
3. Fasting with some food

1. Full fasting: This should be mainly followed by  the obese people For the entire day, they should not take food. Dehydration effect should be avoided. This can be avoided by taking some warm water with few drops of honey & one teaspoon of lemon juice.

2. Partial Fasting: Eating only once less than the normal  quantity of food in partial fasting. Diabetic patients can follow this type of fasting & also the gastric problem people.Herbal tea or fruit juice can be taken twice a day.

3.  Fasting with some food: We should eat very less just to avoid gas formation which usually happens if we left the stomach empty.

How to Conclude the fasting?

      When the fasting is concluded , we should not eat as in feast. Eating much after the day of fasting troubles the digestive organs.

      First start with fruit juice & then with semi solids. After taking this as a first meal,take some time until u feel hungry again. Then u can have your regular food other than Non-vegetarian. As non-veg is difficult to digest, try on some other day.

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