Being on “Diet” will really gain you weight loss ?

          The fact which we need to agree first is “Diet is ineffective.” It may lead to short term results, but as soon as we start eating junk food again will gain the weight back.

          This is called yo-yo dieting and is common as many of the people choose this way. The only way which will gain the long term results is “Life Style Change.”

So, How to change the life style?

Make small talk:
People Talking

          Engaging in casual conversation with others may help keep us as sharp as doing a puzzle. Just ten minutes of daily chatter appears to improve mental function and preserve memory. But this talk should lead you to getting angry or hurting some one. Laugh out loudly. Share the jokes and not on some one.

Brisk walk:

  Buy a pedometer and aim to get at least ten thousand steps a day and more.By taking stairs instead of lift, walking during lunch break, walking after ten minutes from intake of dinner will gain more results. Work outs should include 20 minutes of sub-aerobic activity like cycling,is great.

Include nuts in diet:
Nuts in diet

         Although nuts are a dense source of fat and calories,the fats are healthy and will give us tremendous satiety. Measure the serving and take the same serving every day. Taking randomly will not gain and result.

Do not skip the breakfast:

       Do not skip the breakfast at any cost. Eating proper breakfast is one of the most positive thing in order to reduce the weight. A balanced or proper break fast include fresh fruit or fruit juice,vegetables, high fiber cereal,low fat milk or yogurt, products made from whole grains,boiled egg.

Get rid of stress:
Get rid of stress

     This may sound uneasy,but can be implemented very easily. Just find time to do some activity every evening. Get a pet and take it for walking every day. Take your family to a park, ride the bike, play with your kids, vacuum the house. This will definitely gain the result.


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