Health benefits of Basil (Tulasi) leaves

       Basil (Tulasi) plants are available in our surroundings. We often ignore then and even if they are in our house, we treat them as miscellaneous. But, if we know the benefits of  this plant, we will respect this plant. Let us know the health benefits.

Tulasi tree

The benefits are as follows:

Bone Strengthener - provides excellent source of Vitamin K

Heart protector - Protects you from blood clotting

Insect Repellent - If you place a basil plant near your room or in your garden, it will fend off mosquitoes, flies and storm bugs.

Got stung? Basil is the solution for you! - Rub on the bite with basil leaf, helps relieve pain

Stress kicker - Adding two cups of strong basil leaf tea to a warm bath will help reduce stress and ease relaxation.

Fever, cold and flu - You can also chew fresh basil leaves to aid coughing and brew up some tea from dried basil leaves to help soothe illness.

Anti-cancer - Fights cancer. basil’s antioxidant abilities have been medically proven to combat cancer and heal neuropathy caused by surgery.

Ease your lungs - Cures respiratory disorders and cleans your Lungs

Helps you quit smoking - eat a leaf of basil when you feel the need to smoke. If they smoke, it will burn the throat

Removes kidney stones - beneficial for the overall health of kidneys

Ways to consume :

Daily some leaves in empty stomach: Kicks cancer away from us

Basil water: Soak basil leaves in water; Add some edible camphor, saffron and cardamom.

Tulsi tea: Infuse five to six basil leaves in boiling water for around 10 minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey (optional) and drink this tea when it cools down to induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.
Water tulsi plant daily, it gives so much of positive energy to us !

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20 February 2016 at 16:43 delete

Nice info......Keep posting
