Direction Sense 2nd Model

2nd Model :

Q: A Boy went 50 Km north and took a right turn and traveled 20 Km again he traveled 10 Km,20 Km and 30 Km always taking left turn each time. How far he traveled from starting point and in which direction.

    So now we are going to solve the problem.

    Now put starting point. The boy went 50 Km north so the diagram looks like following.


   Then he took right and traveled  20 Km. As we know North right is East. So it looks like following.


  Then he took left and traveled  10 Km.As we know East left is North. So it looks like following.


  Then he again took left and traveled  20 Km.As we know North left is West. So it looks like following.


Then he again took left and traveled  30 Km.As we know West left is South. So it looks like following.


  From starting point destination is on up side. So the answer is North direction from starting point.
  And he is 50 - 20 Km = 30 Km away.

Shortcut method:
  • Boy Went 50 Km North So write like below


  • Then he took right (North right is East) and traveled 20 km Then write like below

                     N      E
                     50     20

  • Then again he took 20 Km left (left of East is North).Then we need to write like below.

                    N      E     N
                    50     20   10

  • Then again he took 20 Km left (left of North is West).Then we need to write like below.

                    N      E     N   W
                    50     20   10   20

  • Then again he took 30 Km left (left of  West is South).Then we need to write like below.

                    N      E     N   W    S
                    50     20   10   20   30

     Note:  Adding Same Directions and Subtract Opposite Directions

         Now remove opposite directions and Add same directions. Then we will get below one.

                    N      E     N   W    S
                    50     20   10   20   30

        Now remaining is like below

                     N       N      S
                    50      10     30

       Now add North directions and remove From South.

                   N = 50 + 10 = 60

                   S = 30

      And  N-S = 60 - 30 = 30 and North value is bigger.

      So the answer is 30 Km far from starting point and is in North direction. 


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