Direction Sense 1st Model

1st Model :

Q : A boy went  20 km North and took right turn and traveled 40 Km and he took right turn and traveled 20 Km. How far and which direction is he from the starting point?

First always remember these conditions when we solve direction problems.
  1. Our right hand side is East(E)
  2. Our left hand side is West(W)
  3. Our  top wards side is North(N)
  4. Our bottom wards side is South(S)

So now we are going to solve the problem.

Now put starting point. The boy went 20 Km north so the diagram looks like following.


Then he took right and traveled  40 Km. So it looks like following.


Then he again took right and traveled  20 Km. So it looks like following.


From starting point destination is on right side. So the answer is East direction from starting point.
And he is 40 Kmaway.

Shortcut method:
  • Boy Went 20 Km north So write like below


  • Then he took right (North right is East) and traveled 40 km Then write like below

                     N      E
                     20     40

  • Then again he took 20 Km right (right of east is South).Then we need to write like below.

                    N      E     S
                    20     40   20

         Now remove opposite directions. Then we will get below one.

                        E     S
                    20     40   20

        Finally E alone left.So the answer is East direction and distance is 40 Km.

Q : A boy went 60 Km south and took right turn and traveled 20 Km and he took right turn and traveled 15 Km. Finally he turned right and traveled 20 Km. How far and in which direction he is from starting point.

  • 20 Km south

  • Took right turn (South right is West) 20Km

                S       W
               60      20

  • Took right turn ( West right is North) 15Km
                S       W     N
               60      20    15

  • Took right turn (North right is East) 20Km
                S       W     N     E
               60      20    15    20

          So now need to remove opposite direction.

                S       W     N     E

               60      20    15    20

       Now subtract South and North

       60 – 15 = 45 and South value is bigger than North So the answer is 45 Km in South direction.


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